Weekly Photo Challenge : Summer

This weeks Photo Challenge topic – Summer, is a bit of a contradiction for me, seeing that here, in the Southern hemisphere, we are in the midst of Winter. Nevertheless, I warmed to the idea :-), difficult not to, when the topic conjures up images of sun, sand, beach, holiday, fun, long days etc…etc. 🙂

Muizenberg Beach, about 25 minutes from Cape Town City Centre, is probably one of our many premier “summer” beaches. An incredibly long beach with gentle waves lazily making their way to the shore. No wonder it is one of the most popular surfing beaches in the region. Surfers young and old, from all genres, if there is such a thing in surfing vocabulary…..sporting, surfboards, longboards, body boards, paddle boards..I think (*the ones you stand on and paddle) and various other surf flotation device, make their way to this beach to make most of the “surfing” friendly conditions. They arrive as early as sunrise, some on their own, some couples, others with parents, or children for that matter, with a few friends, and even in a group of learners with a teacher in tow. “Summer”, is obviously when it is most busy, but even the coldest winters are not cold enough to keep purists away ..

I on the other hand was just an observer, with camera in hand. I got there at sunrise earlier this year, and watched  the activity unfurl…………how as the sun broke through the horizon, the activity on the beach increased, and in a short time the beach was a hive of activity, with surfers, swimmers, walkers, joggers, lovers, picnickers, strollers etc all making the most of the “summer” day on this popular beach.

Todays images are some of those that I captured while taking all of this in………………the journey continues……………………

4 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge : Summer

  1. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Summer, Take Two | Wind Against Current

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