textured boats too………….

The post from two days ago, whilst continuing with the theme of textures coming from the weekly photo challenge, was also about some of my first attempts at hdr processing. I suppose there is a fine line between under and oversaturating when working with this technique, but it seems that its different strokes for different folks. I personally, prefer a bit more saturation because I think the additional dynamic range is enhanced by having more vibrancy in the colours. But, its early days, perhaps, wit time and further experimentation, this perception will change…
So todays images are a continuation of the first series, if they appear a bit too saturated, remember they may be deliberately made that way:-)
…the journey continues ….

3 thoughts on “textured boats too………….

  1. I have mixed emotions about the look. I most definitely can see how dramatic and influential the difference in saturation could be in Decorating methods. I guess for me personally I would have to have the perfect shades of color to enrich my decor. These particular images would be delightful in a modern, visual room. I can imagine rather flat and toneless furniture pieces with splashes of bright, primary colors for accent and decorative pieces. Good job, Mo

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